Whole Nuts: They’re Better for Grinding Than Sliced Ones

Nusswerker nut grinder is a popular, high quality machine for grinding whole nuts into your favorite nut butter. Whole nut usage is preferable to sliced one because of the following reasons:

1. The oxygen intake can be reduced by using whole nuts, which means the shelf life will be longer

The shelf life can be extended by using whole nuts because they contain less oxygen. They also have a higher quality and the best taste when they’re freshly grounded in the nut grinder.

2. Sliced nuts are more likely to go bad faster due to the oxidation process that occurs when air mixes with them during the slicing process

The sliced nuts are more likely to go bad quickly due to the oxidation process that occurs when air mixes with them during the slicing process. Even if they’re packed under vacuum, they’ve already taken in some of the oxygen from the environment which speeds up their decay rate.

Sliced nuts are more likely to go bad quickly because air is affecting the nuts during and after the slicing process. Once they’re packed under vacuum, even though there’s still some oxygen in it from around us that speeds up their decay rate eventually as well!

3. Sliced nuts experience siginificant higher levels of lipid oxidation which is a chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen

The reason whole nuts hold longer and have a better taste is because they contain less oxygen. When air mixes with sliced nuts, it produces an unpleasant oxidation process that causes them to spoil quickly. Researchers have found that sliced nuts can cause bad sensoriy attributes related to lipid oxidation which correlate with increased leves of volatiles associated with this type of chemical reaction in fats and oils called „oxidative polymerization“. Sliced nut oil contains volatiles that can lead not only to bad taste in your mouth from an unpleasant aroma traced back towards lipid oxidation or rancidification.


Food Process


How to make nut butter

How to make nut butter? How to make nut butter? The Nusswerker nut butter grinder is a revolutionary kitchen appliance that makes it possible for

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